Sunday, January 18, 2009

There He is!! Wha-la!!

There he is. Playing that same game. Wow! Well he is not a couch potatoe. He is lively, always riding a bike, scooter, motorcycle, skateboard, or any thing else he can get his hands on! Yup, there he is!


Tracy said...

HAHAHAHA I just NOW saw that you had a new blog! I had given up hope, but thought I would try my luck one last time.. and POOF! You had a new blog entry! And there he is.. playing that same game.. which is? Wii?

BAHAHAHA x 10 I just noticed the new title of your blog.. you're only boring when you DONT blog. So when you start blogging on a regular basis, you need to change it to "Tales of an exciting and dedicated to blogging Aunt"

Tracy said...

I just noticed I commented under Shabby Addict. I hope you know who this is. hahah

Caitlin Teal said...

HAHAHA I, like Tracy (aka Shabby Addict) decided to try my luck after giving up hope on your blog. It was like my prayers were answered!

I miss my little bro. He is such a stud, even if he plays video games all the time.

And I miss you too! Come visit like you promised. P.S. You are NOT boring!