Sunday, May 23, 2010

Missing Slider

THINGS I MISS ABOUT SLIDER - August 29, 1997 to April 24, 2010

1. Waking up with him every morning.
2. Feeding him the same meal every single morning and watching him get excited for the same meal every single morning.
3. Watching him hop backwards and then sit and wait for me to put his bowl down.
4. Seeing him outside my shower waiting for me to get out and letting me drip all over him while I dried off.
5. Scratching him every time I blow dry my hair - he would wait until I tipped my head upside down and then wander over.
6. Being stared at every time I sat down to eat.
7. Watching him lift his head and come over to me whenever I put my fork/spoon down knowing that he would get the last bite of my food. How did he know when I was finished?
8. Running and ducking under the garage door every time I opened it so he could be the first one outside. The garage door never opened fast enough for him.
9. Watching him pee on my neighbors side of the lawn.
10. Watching him roll around and stretch on the grass.
11. Watching him run around in circles with a burst of energy.
12. Having my buddy with me when I mowed my lawn and knowing that he would never run away.
13. Watching him stare at a cat walking across the street and never chasing after it.
14. Watching him get attention from neighbors and watching him roll over to get his stomach scratched from all the kids in the neighborhood.
15. Calling him to come in and having him come in (almost) immediately.
16. Being pulled while taking a walk. He always wanted to lead.
17. Watching him take a flying leap up on to my bed.
18. Seeing one ear flapped backwards.
19. Hearing him come busting through the doggy door.
20. Watching him stretch after hanging out on the couch and leaving his back legs up on the couch and his front paws on the floor.
21. Wishing he was here this season to eat my tomato plants.
22. Watching him stick his head out the window of the car and always pulling it in at 45 mph. How did he know that we reached that speed?
23. Sharing the last bite of every meal with him.
24. Having him look over my shoulder when I would weed.
25. Having him help me dig a hole or fix a sprinkler. He was a better digger than I ever was.
26. Hearing him bark as I drove up into the garage.
27. Wondering how he knew to come running when I opened the drawer where his leash was stored. Being so excited and turning in circles.
28. Watching him be such a gentleman to Bridget when she moved in.
29. Running to the bathroom every time I opened the door to the closet where the vacuum was stored.
30. Hearing him bark whenever someone knocked or rang the doorbell.
31. Trying to exercise on the floor and being licked the whole time.
32. Watching him try to eat as much of his food as possible as I poured a new bag into his container
33. Watching him be so patient while I cleaned his ears.
34. Following me from room to room just to be with me.
35. Waking up with him every morning.

Things I don't miss about Slider.



Brooke said...

Aww :( I'm REALLY sorry Stace :( But when you get your new dog all of those things will be renewed!

Leslie said...


Kelly said...

Now I miss him too. He sounds like he was such a good easy dog. I hope when I get a dog, it will be just like slider! I like that he just liked being every where you were and I thought it was funny about being excited to eat the same thing every day. Awwww, Slice-or! We miss you!

Caitlin Teal said...

Stace, this was really sweet and it made me tear up! I miss Slice-er too. He was a great dog and will be forever missed!

Tracy said...

I'm just so sad that I didn't know that the last time I saw him would be my last... Why are dogs the best thing that God put on this earth?? remember when Slice-O was a little teeny puppy and you brought him over to our old house on Classic Way (and Inge got Jake). Awwww I MISS HIM. He was such a good boy and such a gentlemen to Bridget. I loved it how he would almost bite my hand off when I tried to give him a treat. He was such a food connoisseur...he LIVED for 1)you 2)food and 3)the front yard ... but now he is with Oliver and Jake and Baron and Queenie. Now it's time to get a puppy and make new memories!